Family Plan Program

For prospective homeowners with good credit who do not meet GDSR/TDSR requirements (such as entrepreneurs or elderly customers on fixed income), this program allows their immediate family to help them buy a home.

A family sitting on a couch looking at baby

This program enables people to help buy a home for immediate family members who have good credit but lack the income to meet standard GDSR / TDSR requirements.

Suggested Applications of the Program Include

  • A parent who wishes to help an adult entrepreneurial child buy a home.
  • A parent helping to buy a home for an adult child at a post -secondary educational facility.
  • An adult helping to buy a home for elderly parents who are on a fixed income.
  • This program does not include the purchase of non-owner-occupied investment properties nor purchases for family members with poor credit.

Acceptable Loan Purpose and Applicable Loan-to-Value Limits

Purchase Transactions

  • 1 and 2 units: 95% LTV
  • Property value ≤ $500,000 – 5% down payment required
  • Property value > $500,000 and < $1,500,000 – 5% down payment required up to $500,000, with an additional 10% down payment on the portion of the home value above $500,000
  • 3 and 4 units: 90% LTV

Loan Security

  • First mortgages

Eligible Properties

  • Maximum 4 units where 1 unit must be owner occupied
  • New construction covered by a Lender approved New Home Warranty Program*
  • Existing resale properties
  • Readily marketable residential dwellings, located in markets with demonstrated ongoing re-sale demand
  • Estimated remaining economic life of the property should be a minimum of 25 years
  • In addition, for 3 and 4 units, the property must meet the following criteria:
    • Municipal zoning
    • Fully self-contained units

*For new construction properties in the territories (Yukon, Northwest and Nunavut Territories) where New Home Warranty is not an option, Lenders must obtain either the occupancy permit or a third-party report from a qualified professional such as: an inspector, architect or engineer. The qualified professional must carry the appropriate liability insurance and confirm construction is completed in compliance with applicable bylaws and regulations.

Maximum Property Value

  • > 80% LTV: Property value must be less than $1,500,000
  • ≤ 80% LTV: Property value must be less than $1,000,000

Qualifying Terms and Interest Rates

  • Fixed, standard variable, capped variable and adjustable rate mortgages are permitted.
  • Maximum interest rate term of 25 years.
  • The qualifying interest rate is the greater of the contract rate plus 2 % or 5.25 %

Amortization Options

Premium Rate

The premium payable will be the lesser of the premium as a % of the total new loan amount or the premium as a % of the top-up portion on the additional loan amount (if existing insured) based on the rates below:

LTV Ratio Premium Rate Top-Up Premium
Up to 65% 0.60% 0.60%
65.01% - 75% 1.70% 5.90%
75.01% - 80% 2.40% 6.05%
80.01% - 85% 2.80% 6.20%
85.01% - 90% 3.10% 6.25%
90.01% - 95% 4.00% 6.30%

The above chart is for mortgages with an amortization that is 25 years or less. If a mortgage is eligible for an amortization greater than 25 years (up to 30 years) an additional premium of 0.20% will apply.

The mortgage insurance premium is non-refundable, paid at the time of closing and maybe added onto the mortgage.

Borrower Qualification

Income and Employment

  • Standard income and employment verification requirements apply.


  • >80% LTV: At least one applicant is required to have a minimum credit bureau score of 600.
  • ≤ 80% LTV: At least one applicant should have a minimum recommended credit bureau score of 680.

Down Payment

  • Must be from own resources and may include personal savings, RRSP withdrawal, existing home equity, proceeds from sale of property.

Additional Criteria

  • Applicant(s) buying the home for a family member must have clean credit, stable employment and income, positive net worth.
  • An immediate family member is defined as a father, mother, child, brother, sister, grandparent, legal guardian, or legal dependent.
  • All qualifying applicants, including the resident family member, must be on the title.
  • The income and debts, including shelter costs, of all persons on the application will be used along with those of the occupying borrower to calculate the TDSR.

GDS / TDS Guidelines

39% 44%

Documentation Requirements

  • Standard documentation requirements apply.
  • Sagen may request that the Lender provide a copy of the required documentation on a case-by-case basis.


  • Sagen mortgage insurance is portable, so home buyers can take advantage of a Lender’s portability plan. For further details, refer to the Portability Feature product overview.

Assumptions / Assignments

  • Mortgage is assumable subject to meeting Lender guidelines.

Eligible Products*

  • Homebuyer 95 Program
  • Purchase Plus Improvements Program

Ineligible Products

  • Business for Self (Alt. A) Program
  • Borrowed Down Payment Program
  • New to Canada Program
  • Progress Advance Program
  • Vacation / Secondary Homes Program
  • Investment Property Program
  • Second Mortgage Program

Premium Calculator

The Premium Calculator helps you calculate the mortgage insurance premium on any Sagen™ products.

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