Premium Rates Chart

Premium rates for all of Sagen products are listed below. Visit our Products & Services page for more information.

Borrowed Down Payment

LTV Ratio Premium Rate Top-Up Premium
90.01% - 95.00% 4.50% 6.60%

Investment Property Program

LTV Ratio Premium Rate Top-Up Premium
Up to 65% 1.45% 3.15%
65.01% - 75% 2.00% 3.45%
75.01% - 80% 2.90% 4.30%

Second Mortgage Program

LTV Ratio Combined 1st & 2nd Loan Amounts 2nd Mortgage Amount
Up to 65% 0.60% 0.60%
65.01% - 75% 1.70% 5.90%
75.01% - 80% 2.40% 6.05%
80.01% - 85% 2.80% 6.20%
85.01% - 90% 4.00% 6.30%
90.01% - 95% 4.00% 6.30%

Vacation/Secondary Homes Program (Type B)

LTV Ratio Premium Rate Top-Up Premium
Up to 65% 1.45% 2.90%
65.01% - 75% 2.55% 6.10%
75.01% - 80% 3.15% 6.40%
80.01% - 85% 3.50% 7.00%
85.01% - 90% 4.35% 7.60%

Business For Self (Alt-A) Program

LTV Ratio Premium Rate Top-Up Premium
Up to 65% 1.50% 3.00%
65.01% - 75% 2.60% 6.50%
75.01% - 80% 3.30% 7.00%
80.01% - 85% 3.75% 7.50%
85.01% - 90% 5.85% 9.00%

Standard Premium Rate Chart

LTV Ratio Premium Rate Top-Up Premium
Up to 65% 0.60% 0.60%
65.01% - 75% 1.70% 5.90%
75.01% - 80% 2.40% 6.05%
80.01% - 85% 2.80% 6.20%
85.01% - 90% 3.10% 6.25%
90.01% - 95% 4.00% 6.30%

Note: The insurance premium is non-refundable, paid at the time of closing and may be added onto the mortgage.

To Calculate the premium, multiply the mortgage amount by the premium rate.